Interconnected Power System Advantages and Disadvantages
In this artilce we will learn about the Interconnected power system advantages and disadvantages. By this article we will know what is benifit of interconnected power system. we will also discuss aboutt losses of interconnected power system.

Interconnected Power System Advantages and Disadvantaes
Isolated generating station, the practice is to provide reserve-generating capacity as a generator equal to the largest size in the station to facilitate maintenance and repairs and to meet demand of energy when a unit has a forced outage. If every generating station works in isolation the total reserve capacity requirement of all stations, which is normally lying idle, would amount to considerable capacity.
Disadvantage and Advantages of Interconnected Power system
Interconnected Power System
We have number of different types of power stations working together and for satisfactory operation. It is necessary to have a proper coordination between them. These are various factors such as availability of fuel and other resources and keeping them in mind, we design the working of interconnected system. These system help in making system, but there are also some disadvantages of these systems, both advantages and disadvantages are discussed below. these are some interconnected power system advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Interconnected system
Reduction in Capacity Saving
In an incremental system, it is possible to have larger generators rating because excess capacity of a station may be utilized by the areas fed by other stations as the size of the generator increases the capital cost per kW reduce. Therefore, a saving is achieved capital cost. it is most usefull advantages of interconnected system.
Installed Capacity Saving
An interconnection is likely to decrease the installed capacity need to meet the load requirement. In majority of cases, it happens that the maximum demand of one area does not coincide with the maximum demand of another area. This could be because in one area the major load is the industrial load while, in the other it is residential and commercial. If two such areas are interconnected, the diversity of load would cause the maximum combined demand to be less than the sun of the individual maximum demand.
Operating Savings
When two different utilities are operating separately, each would run its units most economically. However, when the two are interconnected and the optimum scheduling is decided for the combined system, the operating costs are likely to decrease. Thus, energy interchanges between the two would result in saving for both. It is basic interconneccted power system advantages.
Increase in Service Reliability
Every equipment is prone to outage during its operation. System interconnection leads to increase in reliability of electric supply. in the event of one utility falling short of generation, due to forced outage of generator or unexpected increase in demand, another utility of the pool can come to its rescue by making its surplus power available. An interconnection between the local transmission systems of two utilities can lead to an increase in service reliability at considerably less expense than that which both would have to incur in the construction of additional lines. When the lines are fed from more than one-generation source, the reliability is still further improved. These are interconnected power system advantages and disadvatages.
Decrease in Spinning Reserve Requirements
Every utility has to keep some generation capacity as reserve to take into account of capacity reduction due to forced outage and scheduled maintenance. As a thumb rule, a capacity equal to the capacity of the largest unit is kept as reserve. When two systems operate separately, each has to maintain a separate reserve capacity. If they are interconnected, it may be sufficient to have a smaller total reserve for the combine system for the same degree and reliability.
Addition and Replacement of Transmission Facilities
Load growth necessitates additional transmission facilities the questions like cost or right of way and installation of line and the territory to be served can be more economically and easily decided when more than one utility is involved. The utilities can share the cost and use of the lines. This would evidently lead to optimum use of facilities. These are some interconnected power system adavatages. Now will study about disadvatages of interconnected system as per our titel that Interconeted power system advantages and disadvantages.
Interconnected Power System Disadvantages
Now we are going to studied about the Interconnection system disadvantages .

Expensive Circuit Breakers
Interconnection cause’s larger currents to flow on the transmission lines under faulty condition with a consequent increase in capacity of circuit breakers therefore, expensive circuit breakers are required with interconnected system.
Expensive tie Lines
Interconnection of generating station involves expenses for construction of interconnecting transmission line between generating stations or areas. These lines are called tie lines.
Synchronizing Problem
The generators of all the inter-connected generating stations must operate at all same frequency and in a synchronized manner
Inadequate Transmission Facilities
The transmission system has not been strengthened to proper level. This has resulted in problem of power evaluation from large pithead super thermal station. Additional investment in transmission system is needed. There should be adequate redundancy in transmission system for satisfactory operation of grid. these are some basic interconnected power system advantages and disadvantages.
Metering and Instrumentation
Adequate metering and instrumentation is needed at different level. It is necessary to install sequential recorders, disturbance recorders, time of day meters etc.
Hence these are Interconnected System advantages and disadvantages . From above article we have sutied some usefull advantages and disdvantages which is essential know before interconnecting system.If you will find any incorrect in above article you must comment below in comment box.