What is Nuclear Fission and Chain Reaction
In this article we will study about what is nuclear fission and chain reaction. We will discuss in detail that what is nuclear fission and chain reaction.
What is Nuclear Fission and Chain Reaction

What is Nuclear Fission and Chain Reaction
- Heavy nuclear must be such that they can be fissioned by neutrons of any energy these substances are referred to as fission species.
- For a fission chain to be sustained the neutrons of lower energy must still be capable of causing fission, this is possible only with a fissible species.
- Fissile substances should have reasonably long half-lives so that they don’t decay too quickly.
- Fissile substances should exist in nature in moderate quantities.
What is Requirements for Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion reactions called thermonuclear reactions as they occur at high temperature. For example in hydrogen bombs, the fusion of hydrogen isotope nuclei takes place at very high temperatures, which releases energy In an uncontrolled manner. So, these reactions should be under conditions that controlled release of fusion energy. Now we are going to describe some factor which is provide help to knwo what is nuclear reaction and chain reaction.
Ignition Temperature
A Plasma emits more energy as radiation by itself due to electrical interaction between charged particles, than is produced (by fusion plasma at moderately high temperatures. Fusion energy production) increases more rapidly than radiation emission as the temperature increases. At sufficiently high temperature called ‘ignition ‘temperature, the fusion process can be sustained in the plasma once it has been stated. To achieve the ignition condition, the fusion energy remaining in the plasma must exceed the radiation energy. After achieving ignition condition, fusion process will continue as long as fuel available. It is describe that what is nuclear reaction and chain reaction.

Driven System
For producing fusion energy, the loss of some charged particles is unavoidable in some schemes and hence its ignition temperature can be much higher than 1000 million C. in such type of fusion process, ignition cannot be achieved but fusion energy can still be produced. The fusion energy is produced in such type of schemes be injecting energy into plasma continuously and multiplying it by fusion reaction reactions. Such type of schemes are said to be ‘driven’ as they cannot self sustain like ignition systems and require external energy source to produce fusion energy. However, in all cases the minimum fusion temperature for D-T reaction is considered roughly to be 100 million C
Energy Break Even Condition
Out of any possible thermo nuclear reactions, the deuterium-tritium (D-T) eaction is the most feasible because it has the largest reaction cross-section, which reflects the penetration probability, at accessible temperature. Fusion reaction cross-sections have an extreme dependence on the impact energy of reaction ions because coulomb repulsion makes it energetically very difficult for two ions to approach one another. So these are describe title which is what is nuclear reaction and chain reaction.
In order to have a controlled fusion reaction to be economically useful, more energy must be generated than invested. The break-even condition is determined by equating the energy invested to the energy harvested from the fusion reaction. Break even condition is that plasma should be confined for sufficient time so that total recoverable fusion energy is balanced to recover the radiation losses and heat the plasma. In other words, in order to produce net fusion power the recovered output of the fusion energy must exceed the energy input to the system after heating to the combustion temperatures for fusion and confirmed in this heated condition long enough.
Hence these are describe the title which is that what is nuclear fission and chain reaction. If you will find any incorrect in above article you must comment in comment box.