Utilization of Biogas Method Types and Application
In this aricle we will learn about the Utilization of biogas method types and application. From this article we will know how to use biogas and advantages of biogas plant alos about janta biogas plant.
Utilization of Biogas Method Types and Application
From this article we will know in detail about biogas plant
Utilization of Biogas Method Types and Application
Now we are going to study about the utlization of biogas method types and janta biogs plant.

Biogas is a valuable vehicle of energy containing 55-70% methane and 30-45% carbon dioxide as well as small quantities of various gases. It is almost 20% lighter than air and highly flammable gas. Its calorific value is 20 mega joules per cubic meter. Biogas is a cheap and clean fuel. It burns with a blue flame, which is shoot-free. When is burnt in silk mantle lamps, it illuminates better the kerosene in petrol man lanterns. Biogas can replace petrol and diesel in engines. Here are various utilization of biogas method types and application.
Cooking from Biogas
The best use of biogas is for cooking. In order to get maximum great value of the gas, it should burnt in properly designed stove. Many years ago, cattle dung was burnt as cooking fuel, which leads to huge wastage of organic manure, and cause health hazard problems. In India, 30 million chuhlas consume 133 million tonners of wood as fuel, which cause respiratory and hazardous diseases to the womenfolk. To save all the housewives of the village folk, popularity of biogas should be increased. Low cost burners have been designed by engineers to utilize maximum heat value of the gas. These are basic utilization of biogas method types and application.
Lighting From Biogas
There is a big demand for biogas lamps in unelectrified rural areas. However, the light produced is not as good as that from an electric bul. Biogas lamps are expensive and consume large quantities of gas. Regular servicing of lamps and good supply of mantles is required. The low cost lamps are designed for use. A nozzle is provided for lamp which consists of hole in the size of needle point and the other end of the nozzle is connected to the gas supply nose from the digester. When the biogas enters the lamps, it will spray out from the nozzle at a very high velocity and the air surrounding this gas becomes a low-pressure area.
Biogas is an excellent and economic fuel for both petrol and diesel engine. However the power obtained is less than that obtained when liquidfuel alone is used. As engine using biogas become hotter than those on liquid fuels their cooking has to keep in good condition. Petrol engine can be run 100% on biogas except that little petrol is consumed for stating up. Diesel engines are modified to dual-fuel engine which use both biogas and diesel oil. Biogas is introduced in the inlet pipe after it passes through the air filter. Gas inlet devices are designed to suit different engine designs and inlet pipe and in order to give the proper biogas/air mixture. Injection of a little diesel oil to egnite the gas mixture in each temperature at the end of the compression stroke is usually not over 700 C, whereas the ignition temperature of a methane/air mixture is 814 C. Dual-fuel engines are marked as gobar gas engine. The engines ranges is from 3to 36 H.P.
Operation of dual fuel is very easy. After the engine has run with diesel oil for a while the biogas valve is opened slowly. This should automatically reduce the supply of diesel oil through the action of the speed governor. In order to stop the engine, the biogas valve should be closed first and then throttle valve. A dual fuel engine can be used for running irrigation pump, flourmill, chauff cutter-transfer etc. It is basic utilization of biogas mathod types and application.
Other Application from Biogas
Gas can be utilized in sewage treatment plants as fuel for the boilers that supply hot water for heating the digesters, for running gas engines which may be coupled to pumps, ‘blowers or generators. The other main product of the biogas plant is the organic manure. Slurry comes out from outlet tank, which is quite rich in nitrogen and humus. It can be applied directly to the farm as it is in fully digested condition. It is mixed with irrigation water and the nitrogen content of fresh slurry, which is over 2% mixes with the soil very well. So these are some other utilization of biogas method types and application.

It can be used for rapid formation of compost when the slurry can not be used with irritation water. For this number of pits are digged. The slurry from the output tank is channeled into these pits. The pits is filled with vegetable refuse like grass, leaves, corncobs add all kind of waste material and slurry is allowed to separate on top of it. It is again filled with vegetable refuse and the process is requited until, it gets full. The large amounts of bacteria and the nutrient material in the slurry accelerate the process of combustion. The gobar gas manure can also be utilized to enrich the chemical fertilizers by increasing its organic base.
Biogas Produced Method
Biogas is a gaseous fuel obtained from biomass by the process of anaerobic digestion (fermentation). After studied about utilization of biogas method types and application now we will know that how to produced biogas from waste material.

- Urban waste (garbage)
- Urban refuse.
- Agriculture waste.
- Cow dung.
Thus, we can say that “biogas is a cheap secondary renewable technology”
The in feed is feed is mixed with water to assist the anaerobic fermentation process. The biogas plant delivers a rich gas, which has methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and other imparities. Methane is a gas that can be collected and burned as a fuel. This gas is produced by animal waste, as it decays. Some farms collect animal waste store it in tanks, processing the collected gas. The resulting methane gas is then compressed in tanks/containers and distributed to customers. These are also utilization of biogas method types and application.
Advantages and Benefits of Biogas plant
- Provide a none polluting and renewable source of energy.
- Efficient way of energy conversion (saves fuel wood).
- Saves women and children from drudgery of collection and carrying of firewood, exposure to smoke in the kitchen and time consumed for cooking and cleaning of utensils.
- Produces enriched organic manure, which can supplement or even replace chemical fertilizers.
- Leads to improvement in the environment, and sanitation and hygiene.
- Provides a source for decentralized power generation.
- Leads to employment generation in the rural areas.
- Household waste and bio wastes can be disposed of usefully and in a healthy manner.
- The technology is chapter and much simpler than those for other bio fuels and it is ideal for small-scale application.
- Dilute waste materials (2-10%solid) can be used as in feed materials.
- Any biodegradable matter can be used as substrate.
- Anaerobic digestion inactivates pathogens and parasites and is quite effective in reducing the incidence of water borne diseases.
- Environmental benefits on a global scale: biogas plants significantly lower the greenhouse effects on the earth’s atmosphere. The plants lower methane emissions by entrapping the harmful gas and using it as fuel.

Janta Biogas Plant
For knowing more about utilization of biogas method types and application we will know about the janta biogas plant.
The planning, Research and Action Division Lucknow first developed this in 1978. It is an improved version of the Chinese fixed-dome biogas plant. The foundation of janta biogas plant is laid at the base of the underground pit on a leveled ground, which bear the load of the slurry as well as digester walls. Digester is cylindrical in shape constructed with bricks and cement. It holds the dung slurry for a retention time so that so that the biogas is produced from the slurry in the digester.

It should be noted that the diameter and height ratio of the digester is kept. The gas is stored in gas portion, where is an integral part of plant, between dome and digester, where is the usable gas is stored. The height of the gas portion is above the inlet and outlet opening to beginning of dome, and is equal to maximum volume of the gas to be stored (30-40 percent of plant capacity) and equal to value of slurry to be displaced at inlet and outlet. Dome is constructed over the portion, with volume of 60 percent of the plant capacity. It must be constructed very carefully integrating it with digester and gas portion so that no leakage of gas can take place. The gas outlet pipe is fixed at the top of dome for laying the line. Inlet and outlet portions are constructed for putting the fresh slurry inside the plant to take the digested slurry out. The inlet and outlet are large sizes, provided on each side of the digester, facing each other. The opening to the digester for feeding the waste material and effluent outlet from it is also of large sizes. The discharge of slurry out of the plant is due to pressure o the gas in plant. Over the inlet, mixing tank is also constructed to mix the dung and water.
Hence these are utilization of biogas method types and application. From above article we have learn about the janta biogas plant and advantages of biogas plant.If you will find any incorrect in above article you must comment below in comment box.