What is Series Compensation Location of Seriesh Capacitor
In this article we will study about what is series compensation location of series capacitor. We will know that what is function of series capacitor.
What is Series Compensation Location of Seriesh Capacitor
Now We are going to learning about what is series compensation location of series Capacitor. These are some location of series compansation.

What is Series Compensation Location of Seriesh Capacitor
Location of Series Capacitors
The choice of location of series capacitor depends on much technical and economic consideration. In each case, a special system study concering load flow, stability, transient overvoltages, protection requirements, system voltage profile etc. is necessary before the optimum location can be chosen. Three commonly used locations
Location along the Line
In this method, a capacitor bank is located at the middle of the line (if the installation consists of on bank) or at the one-third distance along the line (if the installation consists of two banks). This location has the advantage of better voltage profile along the line, lesser short circuit current through the capacitor in event of a fault and simpler protection of the capacitor.
Location at One or Both Ends of Line Section on the Line Sides in the Switching Station

The main advantage of this location is that the capacitor installation is near the manned sunstation. However, this location requires more advanced line protection. For the same degree of compensation, more installed M-VAR capacity is needed than for the location along the line. As per our title it is sescribe that what is series compensation location of series capacitor.
Location between Bus-bars within the Switching Station
The advantage of this location is that the capacitor installation is concentrated at a few accessible places within the switching station. However, this location requires a rather complicated and expensive switching arrangement within the substation.
Problems Associated with Series Capacitor
The use of series compensation introduces a few problems too. Some of these are
Sub-synchronous Resonance
The series capacitor introduces a sub-synchronous frequency (proportional to the square root of compensation) in the system. In some cases, this frequency may interact with weak steam turbine generator shafts and give rise to high torsional stresses. In hydro turbine generators, the risk of sub-synchronous resonance is small because the torsional frequencies are about 10 Hz or less. It is also describe title which is what is series compensation location of series capacitor.
Ferro Resonance
When an unloaded or a lightly loaded transformer is energized through a series compensated line, Ferro resonance may occur. The frequency of oscillation is an integral multiple of system frequency. This can be suppressed by using shunt resistors across the capacitors or by short-circuiting the capacitor temporarily through on isolator or a bypass breaker.
Line protection
Series compensation can lead to mal-operation of the distance relays of the line protection if the degree of compensation and capation are not proper. To ensure correct operation of the distance protection, the series compensation is limited to about 40% (when installation is location at the middle of the line) and 30% per bank (when the installation are location at are third and two third distances along the line). These are describe of title that is what is series compensation location of series capacitor.
High Recovery Voltage
Series capacitor produces high recovery voltages across the circuit breaker contacts.
Hence these are some description of above title which is what is series compensation location of capacitor. We have studied in detail about application of series capacitor.If you will find any incorrect in above article you must comment in comment box.