Difference between rectifier and Inverter
In this article we will discuss about the difference between rectifier and inverter. We will also studied about the working of rectifier and inverter.

Difference between rectifier and Inverter
Rectifier and inverter both are converters power into a form to other. A rectifier is allows current to flow in one direction but inverter give phase shift of 180 degree from input to the output.
Working of Rectifier
Rectifier is use for converting Alternative power (AC) to direct power (DC). rectifier is use in various electronic equipment like TV, radio, computer etc.

Rectifier is of two types: full wave rectifier and half wave rectifier.A half-wave rectifier allows electricity of only one polarity (positive or negative) to pass through, while a full-wave rectifier permits both. For making rectifier, diode is used.
Working of Inverter
Inverter is use for converting DC power to AC power. It has complex circuit as compare to rectifier. In inverter generally square wave output is generated. But this square wave output power is not useful for electronic and electrical equipment. So this square wave power is need to convert in sine wave power. For this two types of inverters are available.
First one is pure sine wave inverter: output of this inverter is very pure sine wave power. But for this a very complex design is required so it was Very difficult.
Second one is modified sine wave inverter: These can use thyristors, diodes and other passives that produce a rounded-off square wave, and they actually get very close to outputting a pure sine wave.
Hence these are some measure difference between rectifier and inverter if you will find any incorrect in above article you must comment below in comment box.