Transformer Construction Types and working
In this article we will learn about the transformer construction types and working. we will study about the hysteresis loss and eddy current of transformer.

Transformer Construction Types and Working.
The transformer may be defined as a static demise, which convicts electrical power from one alternating circuit to another circuit at the same frequency.
It can increase or decrease the voltage with a corresponding decrease or increase in the current respectively.
This transformation of energy is done due to the Faraday Laws of electromagnetic Induction through two winding Primary and Secondary.
Construction of Transformer
The transformer consist of two main parts
- Core the core is made of transformer sheet steel lamination assembled to provide a continuous magnetic path.
- Winding. The winding are placed on the two limbs or on the central.

There are two types of Transformer wingdings.
- Primary Winding
- Secondary Winding
Types of Transformer
The transformer are classified according to their of core, voltage, phase etc.
According to the Design of Core
- Core Type Transformer The cur type transformer has a core in which there is a single magnetic circuit.

Shell Type Transformer
The shell type transformer can be regarded as two-core type transformer, placed side by side, giving a central limb. The winding are provided on this central limb only. these are transformer construction type and working.
Berry Type Transformer
It is also known as the distributed core type transformer.
This type of transformer is not commonly in use.
According to the Voltage
1. Step-up Transformer
This type of transformer change low voltage high ampere current into high voltage low ampere current of the same frequency. E.g., 440/11000 volts.
2. Step-down Transformer
This type of transformer changes high voltage low ampere current into low voltage high ampere current of the same frequency. E.g., 440/220 voltage
According to the Phases
- Simple Phase Transformer
- Three phase Transformer
According to the Power
- Power Transformer
- Lighting Transformer
Advantages of Transformer
The following are the advantages of transformer
- It is a static machine and there are no movables parts in it, so there is no wear and tear of in and no friction losses.
- It has a high efficiency
- Its life is more
- Its maintenance cost is very low
- It requires very little care
- The voltage can be easily stepped –up or stepped-down according to the requirement. it is transformer working construction types and working.
E.M.F.Equation of Transformer
Let, N1= Number of primary turns
N1= Number of secondary turns
V1= primary voltage
V2= secondary voltage
I1= Primary current
I2=Secondary current.
Transformer Rating
- Power of the transformer is measured in volt-ampere (VA) .
- The Information mentioned on the name plate of the transformer namely, input voltage and current number of phases (Single/three phase),connections, output voltage and current, is known as the rating of the transformer.
Types of Losses in Transformer
1. Core and Iron Losses
These losses are exerting in the iron core of a transformer.
There are constant and remain the same at all loads. Therefore, these are also known as constant losses.
2. Hysteresis Loss
This loss depends upon the metal used for the cores. This loss is reduced by using silicon steel lamination, which have high electrical resistance but now hysteresis loss.
3. Eddy Current loss
The flux in the core of a transformer alternates its induced EMF in the transformer winding and in the core itself. This induced EMF in the core sets up a current in the iron core and it is known as eddy current.
These are the losses due to the oh mic resistance of the transformer wingdings.
These are considered as approximately proportional to the square of the current (primary or Secondary).
Properties of Transformer Oil
The properties of good transformer oil are as follows
. Oil should not be thick.
It should be free from acid and moisture.
Its dielectric strength should be at least 95kv/mm.
In electrical terms, winding means the arrangement of coils in proper order into armature slot of stater.
Hence these are transformer construction type and working. we have studied about the basic working and construction of transformer. if you will find any incorrect in above article you must comment below in comment box.