Airthmatic Circuits Working
In this article we will know about the Airthmatic circuits working. we will also know about the half adder and full adder working . we will discuss brief introduction of digital circuits. Now here we will discuss airthmatic circuit working and application.

Arithmetic circuits Working
Airthmetic circuits Introduction
Digital computer and calculators consist of arithmetic and logic circuits, which contain logic gates and flip-flops that add, subtract, multiply and divide binary numbers. the basic building blocks of the arithmetic unit in a digital computer are adders.
The circuits perform operations at speeds less than 1us.
A digital system consists of two types of circuits namely
In a combinational circuit, the output at any time depends only on the input values at that time. In a sequential circuit, the output at any time depends on the present input values as well as the past output values. The basic building blocks of an arithmetic unit such as half-adder are combinational circuits. it is airthmatic circuit working.
Procedure For The Design Of Combinational Circuits Working.
Any combinational circuit can be designed by following the design procedure given below
- From the word description of the problem, identify the inputs and draw a block diagram.
- Draw a truth table such that it completely describes the operation of the circuit for different combinations of inputs.
- Write down the switching expression (s)for the output (s).
- Simplify the switching expression using either algebraic or K-map method.
- Implement the simplified expression using logic gates
Half Adder Working
The simplest combinational circuit which performs the arithmetic addition of two binary digits so called a half-adder. The half-adder has two inputs and two outputs. The two inputs are the two 1-bit numbers A and B, and the two outputs are the sum (S) of A and B, and the carry bit denoted by C. from the truth table of the half-adder.

One can understand that the Sum output 1 when either of the inputs (A or B)is 1, and the Carry output is 1 when both the inputs (A and B) are 1.
Full Adder Working
A half-adder has only two inputs and there is no provision to add a carry coming from the lower order bits when multiplicity addition is performed. For this purpose, a full-adder is designed. A full-adder is a combinational circuit that performs the arithmetic sum of three input bits and produces a sum output and a carry.

Hence these are airthmatic circuit working . If you will find any incorrect in above article you must comment below in comment box.